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All absences must have a reason returned within three days as to why your student was out. Excuses received after the three days, will remain unexcused.

ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE SUBMISSION: Excuses can be submitted in any of the following ways:

1. Complete the reason on the attendance form in Powerschool.

2. Scan a written & signed note, or dr. note to

3. Send in a written, signed excuse with your child. ABSENCE DETERMINATION TIMES:

Students arriving after 9:00 AM, but before 10:00 AM, will be marked tardy/late.

Students ARRIVING after 10:00 AM will be marked absent for the morning.

Students LEAVING before 2:15 PM will be marked absent for the afternoon.


Trips must be approved in advance by the principal in order to be an excused absence.Please submit the trip form two weeks prior (whenever possible) to your planned event.

Excuses for trips entered in Powerschool or in writing, without the required form approved by the principal, will be considered Unexcused