- ELCO Intermediate School
- Student Assistant Program
Student Assistant Program (SAP)
What is the Student Assistance Program?
The Student Assistance Program is designed to assist school personnel in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues that pose a barrier to a student's success. The primary goal of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) is to help students overcome these barriers in order that they may achieve, remain in school, and advance in their functioning.
What are the goals of the Student Assistance Program?
- To address alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among students in a timely manner.
- To address mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc., in students in a timely manner.
- To offer students dealing with the aforementioned issues an intervention plan that may include a recommendation for further evaluation.
- If applicable, to share recommendations with each student and his or her family.
- To continue to support each student who participates in the SAP program until he or she has reached his or her personal goals related to the SAP referral.
How does the Student Assistance Program work?
- Referral - Any student can be referred to the SAP program. Parents, students, faculty members, or the student himself/herself can make a referral. Referrals can be made by completing a referral form, which is available in the main office. Referrals can also be made by contacting a member of the SAP team.
- Permission - After a referral is made, a member of the SAP team will meet with the student to discuss the SAP process. The team member will also call the student's parents to explain the SAP process. Student and parent permission are required to continue the process and conduct an evaluation.
- Evaluation - After parental permission is secured, the student will meet with the SAP evaluator. The SAP evaluator will meet with the student and will follow up with the student and parents with pertinent recommendations. Recommendations may include counseling, therapy, or another form of treatment.
Who are the SAP team members?
- Dr. Michael Gerhart, Intermediate School Principal
- Mrs. Mindy Smith, Intermediate Assistant Principal
- Mrs. Abby Snee, School Nurse
- Mrs. Nichole McCullough, A-M School Counselor
- Ms. Elizabeth Boyd, School Psychologist
- Mrs. Kelly Smith, District Social Worker
- Ms. Erin Buffington, 3rd Grade Teacher
- Mrs. Jonelle Edris, 4th Grade Teacher
- Ms. Meghan Gantz, Reading Intervention Teacher
- Ms. Alysha Burkholder, 5th Grade English Teacher
- Mrs. Kristi Reichard, 5th Grade Math Teacher
- Mrs. Amy Hoffman, SAP Liason
- Mrs. Aleesa Groff, 3rd Grade Learning Support Teacher
- Mr. Kevin Weitzel, N-Z School Counselor
- Mrs. Melissa Pagano, Intermediate School Secretary
Community Resources
- Childline- 800-932-0313
- Crisis Intervention- 717-274-3363
- Lebanon County Children & Youth Services- 717-228-4430
- Lebanon County Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse- 717- 274-0427
- Lebanon County Mental Health Services- 717-274-3415
- Lebanon Family Health- 717-273-6741
- New Perspectives of White Deer Run- 717-270-3900
- PA Counseling- 717- 272-1653
- Philhaven- 717-273-8871
To find out more information about SAP, please view our Brochure.
To refer a student to our SAP team, please complete this form: SAP Referral