Intermediate School PBIS

  • bee ELCO Intermediate School PBIS

    What is Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)?

    Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a process for creating school environments that are more consistent, proactive, and effective for achieving academic and social success. PBIS will enhance our current systems and practices and also change our culture for the better.

    How does it work?

    A key strategy of the PBIS process is prevention. Through instruction and modeling, all teachers and staff members will use a consistent set of behavior expectations and rules. When some students do not respond to teaching of the behavioral rules, we will view it as an opportunity for re-teaching, not just punishment.  The students that follow the positive behavior expectations will be acknowledged and rewarded on a daily basis.

    Does it make a difference?

    The PBIS model is a research-based approach that is supported by the Department of Education. The multi-tiered system reduces problem behaviors that serve as a barrier to student achievement. Research shows that schools following the PBIS model recover hours of instructional time due to improved classroom behavior.  In addition, PBIS creates a positive atmosphere at school that is conducive to learning for all children.

    What about students that are disruptive?

    Our PBIS school team has developed a discipline system that is integrated with the district’s Code of Conduct. When problem behaviors occur, students are provided with supports and consequences to address the behavior. If students do not respond, the intensity of the support increases. Most problem student behaviors either have an academic or social base. Properly addressing the root of the behavior can prevent future occurrences.

    What about parents?

    Parents are a vital aspect of PBIS implementation. We encourage parents to use the same expectations and rules that the school teaches. This common language creates consistency and a unified support for expected student behavior. Parents are asked to discuss the common rules and expectations and post them at home for easy reference. Children thrive when they have consistent, predictable expectations and consequences.


    Students that do not follow the behavior expectations of the school will be subjected to the discipline policy that is outlined in the IS Parent/Student Handbook.

    How is PBIS different from other school behavior programs?

    • The program is focused on acknowledging students for consistent positive behavior.
    • The expectations are designed for all students, parents, staff, and settings.
    • Direct instruction of expected behaviors will occur throughout the school year.
    • Routines and language in regard to appropriate school behavior are consistent throughout the school.
    • Students are rewarded for exhibiting expected behaviors by the staff on a daily basis.
    • Problem behaviors will be handled with consistent consequences that are focused on re-teaching the expected behaviors while eliminating the problem behaviors.
    • It’s proactive.
    • It combines the school, parents, and the community to ensure success on a larger scale.
    • It’s fun! The children will want to work hard to earn the rewards.