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Participation Guidelines

Guidelines for Public Comment during an ELCO School District Meeting of the Board of Directors

Thank you for attending today’s School Board meeting.  If you wish to offer public comment during the meeting, below are guidelines that outline the process to address the School Board:

 ·      Public participation is welcomed at a Board meeting and is governed by School Board Policy 903;

 ·      Only residents of the Eastern Lebanon County School District may address the School Board during public comment;

 ·      There are two times during a School Board meeting when the public can address the School Board. The first opportunity is near the beginning of the meeting.  During this time, the public may only speak to items appearing on the agenda.  Toward the end of the meeting, another opportunity is offered for public comment for items either on or off of the agenda;

 ·      When addressing the School Board, please limit comments to three (3) minutes in length.  If speaking as part of a group who shares the same interest, the selection of a spokesperson to speak on behalf of the group is encouraged;

 ·      Those interested in offering public comment, will be asked to complete a registration form prior to the start of the meeting.  Speakers will be asked to provide their name, address, topic of their comment and verification of residency in the school district;

 ·      If joining the School Board meeting virtually, a link to a registration form will post to the district website.  Please complete that form prior to the start of the meeting if you wish to offer public comment during the Board meeting.  

·      Students and staff members have privacy rights.  Please refrain from mentioning any child’s name during the comment time and kindly respect the privacy of our students and staff;

·      Please understand that the purpose of the public comment opportunities is for residents to offer comment or share their thoughts with the Board.  It is not intended for dialogue or a question-and-answer period.