Special Education
Department of Special Education
ELCO School District provides special education services to identified students in accordance with PA Chapter 14. Supports and services are identified through a comprehensive educational evaluation completed by a certified school psychologist along with the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The ELCO School District is committed to supporting students with special education needs through a variety of programs and services across the K-12 continuum. Through partnerships with the Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit #13, neighboring school districts, and private educational providers, along with a growing expanse of District-operated programming, a comprehensive and individualized program can be delivered and tailored to meet the unique needs of students.
Families can find information about specific disability categories, resources, and documents by clicking on the images/links below.
Any questions about the identification process or available supports and services should be directed to Kim Mecca, Director of Special Education, via email (kmecca@elcosd.org) or telephone (717-866-7117, extension 10821).
Age of Eligibility Policy Notification - September 2023
The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education, updated the age of eligibility policy, providing students with identified special education needs the ability to access educational services until their 22nd birthday. This means if a student would have traditionally exited from high school during or after the school term in which they turned 21 years of age, they may now remain in school until their 22nd birthday. This includes students that exited during or after the 2022-2023 school term. If your child meets these criteria and would like to return to ELCO and access educational services until their 22nd birthday, you will need to re-enroll your child. For more information, please see the link below:
PENN*LINK - Change in Age of Eligibility for Free and Appropriate Public Education