ELCO Attendance Procedures
Student attendance procedures are based on PA Act 138 of 2016, ELCO School Board Policy #204, and the Basic Education Circular “Compulsory school attendance, unlawful absences, and school attendance improvement conferences”, issued February 2020.
- Parents/guardians of students K-12 who are absent from school will receive notification of their child’s absence with information on how to provide documentation of the absence via the mass notification system. Note: If parents/guardians have not provided accurate phone numbers and email addresses, the messages will not be received.
- If an acceptable parent/guardian excuse for the absence is not received within three (3) days of the student’s return to school, the absence will be considered unexcused.
- The parent/guardian excuse must be provided via the PowerSchool Parent portal OR in writing including a parent/guardian signature. Scans or pictures of the signed excuse card will be accepted via email the building attendance email. Parents are strongly encouraged to utilize the PowerSchool parent portal.
- A reason for the absence must be provided for all parent/guardian excuses, "illness" or "sickness" are not acceptable. Specific wording such as cough, sore throat, vomiting should be used.
- A maximum of ten (10) days of cumulative absences (excused and unexcused), including those verified by parental notification, shall be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten (10) cumulative days shall require an excuse from a licensed medical professional.
- It is strongly recommended that whenever a student is absent from school and sees a medical professional an excuse from that medical professional is obtained and provided to the school. Valid excuses from a medical professional will not count towards (10) absences allowed.
- Students who accumulate three (3) unexcused absences are considered truant and will be provided a written “three-day notice” outlining the potential consequences of truancy.
- If a student is subsequently absent without excuse for one day after the “three-day notice” is issued, a school attendance improvement conference (SAIC) will be scheduled and a School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) will be developed. Parents/guardians will be invited to the conference and are encouraged to attend. A copy of the SAIP will be provided to parents/guardians.
- Students who accumulate six (6) unexcused absences are considered habitually truant and may face the necessary consequences per Act 138 of 2016. Consequences may include consequences may include a referral to Children and Youth Services and/or a citation filed in the office of the District Magistrate.
- The Principal/Assistant Principal/Dean of Students may exercise prudent judgment in giving extensions or exceptions to the above.
Parent/Guardian Excuses
ONLINE Excuse Card
Log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal and easily complete the Excuse Form from your smart phone, tablet, or computer. This use of the Parent Portal is the preferred method for the completion of excuse cards.
Excuse Card-hardcopy
This hardcopy may be printed, completed, signed, and scanned to the office via the attendance email (see links to the right) or handed in by your child.
Note that each page contains two (2) copies of the excuse card.
Building Attendance Emails
Please use the email addresses below to send information to your child's building regarding attendance. These accounts are monitored daily.
Excused and Unexcused Absences
A student’s absence from school will be considered excused for the following reasons:
- Illness
- Death in the immediate family
- Emergency medical or dental attention
- Required court attendance
- Approved educational trips
- Approved post-secondary or career exploration visits (HS students only)
- Absences approved in advance with building principal or designee (job interviews, driver’s tests,etc.)
- Authorized religious holidays
The following are unexcused absences in accordance with state attendance laws:
- Truancy
- Missing the school bus
- Oversleeping
- Trips not approved in advance
- Shopping
- Car trouble
- Hunting/fishing
- Attendance as a spectator at athletic events and interscholastic contests
- Birthday or other celebrations
- Gainful employment