Alternative Education For Disruptive Youth (AEDY)
Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Programs in Pennsylvania were created to provide educational services for students who have been removed from the regular education setting for specific disciplinary reasons. Students referred to an AEDY program must be in grades 6-12 and meet the definition of a disruptive student: A student who poses a clear threat to the safety and welfare of other students or the school staff, who creates an unsafe school environment or whose behavior materially interferes with the learning of other students or disrupts the overall educational process.
The "disruptive" student will exhibit to a marked degree any or all of the following conditions:
- Disregard for school authority, including persistent violation of school policy and rules;
- Display of or use of controlled substances on school property or during school-affiliated activities;
- Violent or threatening behavior on school property or during school-related activities;
- Possession of a weapon on school property;
- Commission of a criminal act on school property;
- Misconduct that would merit suspension or expulsion under school policy
Students will only remain in the AEDY placement until they have met their behavioral goals, at which time, students return to the regular education setting. Schools placing students in AEDY programs and AEDY programs may not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, disability, and/or any other legally protected category.
Students with disabilities will be individually assessed via a manifestation determination to determine whether the behavior subjecting them to possible placement in AEDY is a manifestation of a disability. LEAs must not refer to AEDY Programs, and AEDY Programs must not accept students with disabilities due to behavior or conduct which is caused by the student's disability, has a direct and substantial relationship to the student's disability, or was the direct result of the LEA's failure to implement the student's IEP or 504 Plan, with the exception of the "special circumstances" whereby a student may be removed to an interim alternative educational setting for not more than 45 school days.
While in an AEDY Program, the student must receive at least 20 hours of academic instruction each week in the areas of math, English language arts, science, social studies, and health/life skills. AEDY programs must also provide a minimum of 2.5 hours of counseling a week with the purpose of modifying the disruptive behavior that led to the student placement.
The student must receive a formal periodic review (progress review) at least once each semester. The student, parents/guardians, AEDY staff, staff from the school district, and other outside agencies will be invited and strongly encouraged to attend the review. The student’s progress towards their academic, behavioral and/or attendance goals will be reviewed. When behavioral goals are met, a transition plan is created to move the student back to the general education setting. The student cannot remain in an AEDY Program for poor grades, not having enough credits, or for other reasons.
Individuals having complaints and concerns regarding AEDY are required to seek resolution through the School District rather than elevating concerns to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) in the first instance.
Any individual or organization may submit a written complaint to the ELCO School District using the AEDY Complaint Form found below. The form must be completed and sent to the Director of Pupil Services (Fax: 717-866-7697 or
The ELCO School District currently partners with River Rock Academy, Sinking Spring campus, for AEDY programs.