iPad Power Adapters and Cables
The ELCO School District will be offering iPad power adapters and cables for purchase to own as opposed to handing out school issued chargers that will need to be turned back in.
Power adapter/cable Prices for the 2024-25 School Year:
August 21 - September 6 will be considered the deployment period:
- Students who have an application submitted for free / reduced lunches - $0
- All other incoming 6th - 12th Grade students - $10 Power Adapter/Cable
Purchase Costs after deployment period:
- All students -$30 Power Adapter/Cable
New Students will have 30-days from enrollment to purchase a Power Adapter/Cable at $10, there after the cost will be $30.
Below are a number of Questions and Answers that hopefully will help provide guidance.
Questions and Answers
If you would like to purchase an additional power adapter and cable at the time of deployment, you may, but the additional set would be at the full price of $30.
No - the School District does not make any profit. The cost to the district when ordering new power adapters and cables is $30 for the set.
If the District has the student's Free and Reduced application on file, there is no cost for the power adapter and cable.
Should an additional power adapter and cable become needed due to loss or damage, then the cost will be $30.
Since iPads remain in the classroom, a power adapter and cable is provided to charge the iPad.
There would be no need to make a purchase unless you specifically request that the iPad goes home.
The iPads issued from 2019-2023 were 6th Generation iPads and included a 12W USB Power Adapter with a Lightning to USB Cable. From 2024-2028, students will be issued a 9th Generation iPad. The recommended charger is an Apple certified 20W USB-C Power Adapter with a Lightning to USB-C Cable.
Apple does provide information About Apple USB Power Adapters and acknowledges that either Power Adapter will work with the 9th Generation iPad
Apple also provides information on Using Apple Power Adapters with tips for keeping them working and identifying damages.