1-to-1 Goals
Implementing a 1-to-1 environment supports the follow objectives:
- To prepare students for their future
- To allow students to take ownership for their learning
- To maximize students’ learning potential
- To engage students in their learning environment
1. To prepare students for their future
Every school district has a mission to prepare students for their future. ELCO recognizes the prominent role technology has in globalizing our economic and educational markets. Our graduates will be entering a world immersed in technology and must be prepared to be competitive in the global marketplace. Therefore,whether a graduating senior is pursuing post-secondary education, joining the military, or entering the workforce, the effective utilization of technology will be a necessary skill.
2. To allow students to take ownership for their learning
A 1-to-1 environment will provide students with immediate access to digital and online resources. Being connected allows students to explore resources and acquire information to support and enhance their learning process. A 1-to-1 environment also allows students to build personal learning networks by collaborating with experts or peers. Finally, having access to devices expands the classroom walls, as the student’s classroom experiences are no longer bound by physical or time restraints.
3. To maximize students’ learning opportunities
Establishing a 1-to-1 environment enables students to maximize their learning opportunities by providing all students with immediate access to resources and materials that enhance and support the learning process. The learning process evolves into more of a student-centered environment in which students acquire the skills to be critical consumers of online content and use the resources and materials available to them to analyze problems and develop solutions. This process enables students to maximize their potential to learn and develop the skills necessary to be successful in today’s technology-driven world.
4. To engage students in their learning environment
Students live in a digital, online world. Today’s students were born into an era where computers, laptops, mobile devices, and the Internet already existed. Students do not know life without access to technology. The school environment has traditionally been the only aspect of students’ lives that is not immersed in technology.