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Sick child?

Should I Send My Child to School?

Parents/guardians often ask whether it is ok to send their child to school if he/she is not feeling well.  Below are the guidelines established for school attendance:

Children may not attend school if they exhibit any of the following:

  • Temperature of 100 degrees or higher. A student must be fever free for 24 hours (without medication) before he/she may return to school.
  • Has had one or more episode of vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours before school. A student must be vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Contagious conditions such as strep throat, flu, pink eye, impetigo, scabies, or ringworm.
  • If an antibiotic has been prescribed, students must be on the antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school.

It is important to have a back-up plan ready to put into action at home in the case where you are not able to pick your child up from school should he/she become ill. These plans may include a place your child can go when sick if you need to be at work such as a relative, friend, or neighbor who is available.

These procedures are designed to keep our students and staff healthy and to reduce the spread of any contagious illness. If you have any questions or concerns about these practices, please feel free to contact the nurse in your child's building.