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ELCO Virtual Academy


Welcome to Lancaster-Lebanon Virtual Solutions (LLVS) full-time cyber option. LLVS is a collaborative effort between Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit and member school districts to provide new learning options for students. LLVS’s web-based courses meet the increasing demand for high-quality student instruction that incorporates proven online learning practices and high quality courseware. Enrolling in LLVS means students will have the opportunity to experience flexible and non-traditional learning options with individualized pacing. Students will learn from curriculum that is state-aligned and rigorous with an emphasis on 21st century skills. Furthermore, students can continue to be a member of their local school and participate in school events and activities.


Lancaster-Lebanon Virtual Solutions

Local Cyber


More Information for 6-12  

More Information for K-5

Home education and cyber charter programs are two different options under the law. Home education programs or homeschooling put all of the responsibility of designing instructional experiences for students on the parent. Cyber charter schools typically provide teachers and instruction through an online learning environment. A cyber charter school is very similar to the ELCO Virtual Academy.

The difference is in the connection to the school district. By being part of the ELCO Virtual Academy, a student remains part of the school community and can engage in extracurricular activities and receive an ELCO diploma. A PA cyber charter school takes a very large part of the ELCO School District’s budget. The cyber charter schools spend millions of taxpayer dollars each year on advertising. The money taken from school district budgets does not fully go to educate the students in the cyber charter school. By choosing the ELCO Virtual Academy, you ensure that the local taxpayer’s dollars remain in the district and are spent to provide a quality education for all students.

Virtual Academy Contact Information

Grades K-5

Kaitlyn Strayer, Elementary VA Coordinator

Grades 6-12

John Mentzer, School Counselor

For Students with IEPs

Jeremy Sweigart, Director of Special Education