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Private Tutoring

Private Tutoring

What is the difference between Home Education and Private Tutoring? The main difference is that in Private Tutoring, the student receives their daily instruction from a PA Certified teacher who serves as the Private Tutor. The tutor could be the parent or guardian or someone who receives compensation to provide this service for the student.  Please follow the link below for a further explanation from PDE.

Private Tutoring Versus Home Education Programs

Private Tutoring Programs

Private tutoring is another option for satisfying compulsory school attendance requirements. For families interested in hiring a private tutor (PA certified teacher) rather than having a parent-directed education for their children. A parent or guardian may act as a private tutor for their own children if they are a PA certified teacher. Background checks and other regulations apply.

Beginning a Private Tutoring Program

An affidavit is not required for students to begin a private tutoring program. A parent or guardian may serve as the tutor or the tutor may be hired by the family to meet this requirement.

Private Tutoring Guidelines:

The Tutor must:

    1.  Submit the names and residences of all children between 6 and 18 years of age who are being tutored;
    2.  Submit a written assurance to the Superintendent that the instructional requirements listed in the Private Tutoring regulations have been met;
    3.  Submit a copy of his/her Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Instructional Certificate and/or PPID number;
    4.  Submit a copy of his/her required background checks. If the parent is serving as the tutor for their own child, background checks are still required;
    5.  Report to the district as soon as they cease to tutor any students on the list;
    6. Maintain evidence of student academic progress and documentation that instruction is provided for the required number of days (this may be requested by the Superintendent);
    7.  Notify the district of any child who has been absent 3 days or their equivalent during the term of compulsory attendance.

Please see further guidance on PDE's Tutoring website.