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Home Education Programs (Homeschooling)

Home education programs (also known as homeschooling) are programs where the education of the student is directed by the parent or guardian or such person having legal custody of the child or children.

Restrictions include:

  • The supervisor of the home education program must have a high school diploma or its equivalent. Examples include such things as a diploma awarded by a home education supervisor after October 31, 2014, or a diploma awarded by an approved diploma-granting organization (Act 196 of 2014); successfully passing the GED tests and/or receiving a Commonwealth secondary school diploma 22 Pa. Code § 4.72).
  • All adults living in the home and persons having legal custody of a child or children must not have been convicted of the criminal offenses itemized in 24 Pa. Code § 1-111(e) within five years immediately preceding the date of the affidavit.

Affidavit – Beginning a Home Education Program

The notarized affidavit and accompanying attachments must be submitted to the ELCO High School Counseling Office for a home education program to begin. Without this documentation, a home education program does not legally exist.

When to Submit an Affidavit

The initial affidavit may be submitted any time during the school year, but all subsequent affidavits are due by August 1st (24 Pa. Code § 13-1327.1(b)(1)).

The ELCO School District's Homeschool Affidavit and Immunization (Combined) form can be downloaded here.

The ELCO School District's Homeschool Affidavit and Immunization Unsworn Declaration can be downloaded here.

Homeschool Enrollment Packet Includes:

    1. Affidavit - Notarized or Affidavit - Unsworn Declaration (See link above - one per family)
    2. Learning Objectives (for each child)
    3. Immunization/Exemption Form (See link above - one per child)
    4. Grades K (or when beginning school), 6, & 11 Physical Exam Form (or exemption statement)
    5. Grades 3 & 7 Dental Exam Form (or exemption statement)

Note: Physical and Dental Exam Forms are the same forms for students enrolled in ELCO Schools and can be downloaded from our Registration Website.

Evaluation - Closing Out a Home Education Program

An appropriate education is defined as “a program consisting of instruction in the required subjects for the time required in this act and in which the student demonstrates sustained progress in the overall program.” The portfolio evaluation certifies whether an appropriate education occurred.

    • What: A written evaluation by a qualified evaluator must be submitted for each student. See the Home Education Evaluators section regarding a qualified evaluator.
    • Who: The evaluation must be submitted by the home education supervisor to the ELCO High School Counseling Office
    • When: The evaluation must be submitted by June 30 of each year.
    • Basis: The evaluation must consist of a portfolio review and interview with the student.
    • Contents: The evaluation must certify whether an appropriate education is occurring for that student.
    • Law: See 24 Pa. Code § 13-1327.1(e).(h.1).  

The ELCO School District does not verify or recommend any evaluators. A list of evaluators can be found at this link (this list is not all-inclusive).


Participation in Co-Curricular, Extra-Curricular, or CTE programs

Recently drafted policies relating to homeschool student participation in district programs provide guidelines for students and parents. Timelines for notifying the district about your child's interest in attending ELCO programs are different than the timelines for submission of the homeschool affidavit. 

For the 2023-2024 school year, a student who wishes to enroll in co-curricular or extra-curricular programs at ELCO must submit an interest form by May 31, 2023. The deadline in subsequent years is established by the homeschooling policies and can be found on the ELCO School District's Policy website.

If you would like to request that your child(ren) participate in extracurricular or cocurricular activities at ELCO, please use this form to submit by the deadline.

Students interested in attending CTE programs through the Lebanon CTC must go through the application process along with other ELCO students. Homeschool students are subject to the LCTC timelines for submitting applications (typically early in March). For more information on CTE program applications, please contact the High School Counseling office.