Comprehensive Plan (2022-2025)
Comprehensive Plan (2022-2025)
Comprehensive Planning is a web-based framework for thoughtful data-driven and research-based district and school planning. Comprehensive Planning facilitates communication and collaboration, promotes shared practices and resources, and ensures that every stakeholder is working toward common goals. Additionally, Comprehensive Planning assists local education agencies to create and manage a continuous, comprehensive plan to submit to the Department in order to maintain compliance with state and federal mandates.
As a Phase 3 school district, the Eastern Lebanon County School District is required to submit the Comprehensive Plan by August 31, 2022 to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This plan officially addresses the timeline of 2022 through 2025. The district's Comprehensive Plan was posted for public review starting on July 18, 2022, and was available for public review prior to approval by the school board on August 15, 2022.
Special thanks to the many stakeholders who participated on the Steering Committee to revise the Comprehensive Plan. Your time and thoughtfulness have been greatly appreciated!
ELCO School District Comprehensive Plan 2022-2025
Additional Plans and Reports
ELCOSD Professional Development Plan (Act 48) 2022-2025
ELCOSD Induction Plan (Chapter 49) 2022-2025
ELCOSD Student Services Assurances (Chapter 12) 2022-2025
ELCOSD Gifted Education Plan Assurances (Chapter 16) 2022-2025
ELCOSD Academic Standards and Assessment Requirements (Chapter 4) 2022-2025
What is Comprehensive Planning?
Planning for continuous improvement of leadership, teaching, and learning is critically important to ensuring that all students have access to a world-class education that prepares them for college, career, and life. Pennsylvania's cycle of improvement is grounded in evidence-based approaches that can both improve student outcomes and increase return on investment, as resources are spent on programs and practices likely to have a positive impact. Opportunities to create, assess, and adjust throughout the cycle empowers local education agencies and schools to engage all stakeholders in pursuit of a shared vision for student success.
Link to More Information on PDE's Comprehensive Planning