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Right to Know

Right To Know Law

The Right to Know (RTK) Law is the Pennsylvania law that guarantees your right to access and obtain copies of public records held by government agencies.

As of January 1, 2009, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under Governor Edward G. Rendell, requires government agencies, including school districts, to comply with the new regulations set forth by the Right-to-Know Law Act 3 of 2008. The new law fundamentally changes how people access public records of their government and how the government processes those requests. To learn more about the Right-to-Know Law and the Office of Open Records, please visit the website at Open Records Site

To obtain public records from the ELCO School District, please download the form using the link listed below and complete it in its entirety. The completed form may be sent using the contact information additionally found below.

The Right-to-Know Law requires the Office of Open Records to create a Uniform Request Form that all Commonwealth Agencies must accept. To request information under the Right-to-Know Law from the ELCO School District, you must download the appropriate form by visiting the PA State Office of Open Records site (Open Records)

If you prefer a physical copy of the Right-to-Know Request Form, you can visit the ELCO School District Administration Office at 180 ELCO Drive, Myerstown, PA 17067. The form will be readily available for you to pick up.

The District will not accept verbal or anonymous requests.  Under the Right-to-Know Law, requests must be submitted by a person who is a legal resident of the United States.  The Right-to-Know Law further provides that all written requests shall include the name and address to which the agency should address its response.  The District reserves the right to require acceptable proof that the Requester is a person and a legal resident of the United States.  Absent such proof, the District will treat the request as an anonymous request which will not be fulfilled.

ELCO School District Right-to-Know Contact Information
Under the Right-to-Know Law, each government agency must designate a Right-to-Know Officer.  This Officer is responsible for receiving and tracking requests submitted to the ELCO School District, as well as issuing interim and final responses under the act.  For any Right-to-Know information requests, you can submit the completed form in person by U.S. Mail or by email to the contact information provided below:
Elaine Mathias, RTK Officer
ELCO School District
180 ELCO Drive
Myerstown, PA 17067
Phone: (717)866-7117

Information on filing an appeal can be found at the Office of Open Records (OOR) website