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ELCO Education Foundation




Visit the ELCO Education Foundation website to learn about donating to the Foundation and the initiatives the Foundation sponsors.

Hall of Fame
The Eastern Lebanon County Education Foundation Hall of Fame seeks to recognize individuals who have achieved noteworthy and outstanding accomplishments in their chosen fields. Individuals selected for the Hall of Fame are recognized during ELCO’s Homecoming activities each fall.

Board of Directors

Kiya Emerich, President
Megan Schaeffer, Vice President
Brian Marquette, Treasurer
Patrick Yeagley, Secretary

Rob Dubble, Director
Emily Huie, Director
Joya Morrissey, Director
Mandy Newmaster, Director
Dotty Noll, Director
Jennifer Robert, Director
Amber Weaver, Director
Jessica Wenger, Director
Kelly Woelfling, Director

Joan Lincoln, Stone Ridge Liaison
Joya Morrissey, ELCO School Board Representative
Julia Vicente, ELCO School District Superintendent