Small Groups

  • Keeping Guided Reading Interesting | Guided reading, First grade classroom,  Reading comprehension strategies We utilize small group's to help elementary aged students deal with the many issues they have to deal with at an early age. Groups are a great way to reach more students but still be able to give a therapeutic situation. This can be achieved by establishing a confidential and caring environment.  In small groups, students get to see first-hand that they are not the only person going through what they are experiencing. This normalizes their feelings and helps them build strong connections that can help them build a support group that they can rely on during difficult times. I have facilitated groups focused on grief, military families, divorce, friendship, anger management and social skills. These groups are run with the students missing limited instructional time by utilizing lunch time to meet with the majority of the students.

    Here is a list of potential small groups that I will be running throughout the school year. Please note that the groups are scheduled based on the demand of each group. If not enough students are signed up, the group may not occur until the next school year. 

    If you would like your child to participate in any of these groups, please fill out the form with the link below and either e-mail it to us at or or send it into school with your child. You can find out more information on groups in the form.

    Small Group Request

    Group Topics:

    • Stress-Busters
    • Healthy Habits
    • Changing Families
    • Grief
    • Coping Skills
    • Military Families
    • Conflict Resolution

  • Information from Groups:


    Week 1: Discuss rules, define what a worry is, read "What is a Worry," draw a picture of what you worry about, discuss worries. 

    Week 2: Read one of two books ("The Bear Who Lost His Sleep" or "Sometime I Worry Too Much"), draw/write a brain with some of our worries, play jenga and give positive thought examples.

    Week 3: Read "How I Started to Feel Better" or "Making Worries Go Away," discuss "go-to" people, draw or write what you can do to take your mind off of the worry.

    Week 4: Talk about teaching techniques to help with worries, play charades with different teaching techniques learned.

    Week 5: Play "Worry Less Game."

    Coping Skills

    Week 1: Discuss rules, define what anger is, draw a picture of what our bodies look like when we are mad.

    Week 2: Review rules, read the first half of one of two books ("The Rabbit Who Lost His Hop" or "Don't Rant and Rave on Wednesday"), draw a cartoon of when you feel angry, discuss who is in control of our feelings.

    Week 3: Read the second half of either book (depending on what group decided), briefly discuss coping skills brought up in either book, play charades with coping skills.

    Week 4: Discuss and practice ways to calm down, practice coping skills discussed, play jenga.

    Week 5: Review skills and play coping skills bingo.

    Healthy Habits

    Week 1: Discuss rules and healthy habits, define self-esteem, complete 5 things that I like about myself and share.

    Week 2: Review rules,read the first half of "Sometimes I Feel Like I Don't Have Any Friends" or "Sometimes I Don't Like to Talk," draw cartoons of when you think negatively or a social situation that makes you uncomfortable.

    Week 3: Read the second half of either book, complete the power of self-talk sheet.

    Week 4: Watch Kid President "20 Things We Should Say More Often" video, discuss some things brought up in the video, play Jenga using positive self-talk.

    Week 5: Play "Spot It" or "Inside Out" games.